The Institute for Educational Initiatives promotes education at NAIST by
implementing basic education policies, promoting innovation and entrepreneurship
education, providing thorough career education and collaborating with academic
institutions and companies in Japan and overseas, in accordance with the NAIST’s
core principles and policies.
Realize and carry out NAIST’s
Fundamental education policies
Promote partnershipss with
domestic and overseas education institutions
Collaborate with companies
and the communities to
promote innovative creation
Offer comprehensive
career support throughout
students’ studies
Develop globally‐minded
resources in collaboration
with domestic
and overseas universities
Division for
Educational Development

The Division for Educational Development (DED) is responsible for planning and supporting curriculum development, organizing student academic guidance, globalization of education, providing information about and holding seminars on faculty development, and managing education support systems.
Division for
Innovation Education

The Division for Innovation Education (DIVE) plans and manages educational programs and faculty development projects focusing on technical human resource development, entrepreneurship development, and innovation education.
We are promoting the establishment of an ecosystem of start-ups centered around NAIST to create an active cycle of “knowledge, human resources and funding” among companies, universities, venture capitalists and venture companies, by linking them to executive businesspersons from the pre-start-up phase.
Division for
Career Development

The Division for Career Development (DCD) provides various career support activities for students and postdoctoral fellows who are interested in working in non-academic fields including career planning interviews considering individual goals, etc., transferable skills training, business-student matching events, and talks by alumni and industry leaders.
Along with domestic jobs for Japanese students, we also pursue career development initiatives globally, like support for internships abroad for Japanese students and job-hunting support for domestic employment for international students.