Division for Global Education participated in Virtual Open Campus (2021/5/15)
The Division for Global Education participated in the NAIST Virtual Open Campus held on Saturday, May 15 for the first time, setting up Zoom consulting booths for prospective Japanese students interested in studying abroad in the morning and for prospective international students in the afternoon.
Among the Japanese students wishing to enroll in NAIST to gain valuable overseas experience through our extensive global network of partner institutions, some students expressed increased interest in the remarkably growing Asian universities during their conversations with NAIST staff. Considering our current international population, we emphasized that NAIST offers an optimal environment in which Japanese and international students work hard together both in their studies and research. One characteristic of NAIST's global network is a long history of collaborative research with partner institutions in ASEAN countries and this has brought many international students to NAIST from these countries.
In the afternoon session, 16 prospective international students from countries including Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Bangladesh, China, France, and Germany participated. We responded to various questions from participants, ranging from those who wish to enroll as Master's or Doctoral students to those scheduled to do research at NAIST as special research students.
Despite the current pandemic, many Japanese students still showed interest in studying abroad and many international students were motivated to study at NAIST, so we feel this event was not only successful but also necessary to facilitate studying abroad and international student enrollment once it is possible.

Presentation about NAIST study abroad programs for prospective Japanese students

Briefing about Admission Guide for prospective international students