NAIST Study Abroad Fair 2021 for international students (2021/10/09)
On Saturday, October 9th, 2021, NAIST held the Online NAIST Study Abroad Fair 2021 utilizing our network of international partner institutions, with student participants from all over the world.
The fair opened with a video message from NAIST President Dr. Kazuhiro Shiozaki and was followed by an overview of NAIST presented by Dr. Masako Shimamoto, Global Engagement Officer of the Division for Global Education. In the presentation, Dr. Shimamoto explained the mid-term evaluation for national university corporations, where NAIST was evaluated as "excellent" concerning its progress in achieving education & research goals, to demonstrate our standing in Japan.
After this, participants were given brief introductions of NAIST's research by professors of Graduate School of Science and Technology. Representatives of the three divisions, Prof. Keiichi Yasumoto (Information Science), Prof. Taku Demura (Biological Science) and Prof. Yohichiroh Hosokawa, gave original presentations including introductions of prominent research outputs, laboratory mapping, etc. to effectively describe NAIST's research pursuits.
Following these sessions, zoom breakout rooms were prepared in order to provide participants the chance to directly talk with NAIST faculty and international students to learn about each division's research fields, admissions, internship programs, scholarships, etc. Especially, NAIST students, including International Student Ambassadors who helped hosting participants, provided detailed and thorough advice and consultation beginning from the preparation for admission to the campus life based on their own experiences. Q & A sessions continued actively at each breakout room until the very end of the event.
Roughly 110 students from various countries and regions including Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, France, Germany, etc. participated in this event, which was an exceptional opportunity for NAIST and prospective students to meet virtually.

Prof. Yasumoto introducing the student room in his laboratory

Prof. Demura introducing laboratories in the field of plant biology

Prof. Hosokawa introducing shared facilities and equipment