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RWTH Exchange Program

 RWTH (RWTH Aachen University), one of our partner institutions and a top research university in Germany has announced student exchange program. If you are interested, please read the information below carefully and consult with your adviser before applying.
RWTH Exchange Program
Eligible students master's students/doctoral students
Visit duration 1 semester (Winter semester/ Summer semester)
※Winter Semester : October 1 to March 31
 Summer Semester:April 1 to September 30
University homepage https://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/studium/Im-Studium/Internationales/Exchange-Incomings/~kwgb/Bewerbung/lidx/1/
Required documents ・Learning Agreement signed by you and also the coordinator at your home university.
・Language certificate B1.1 level German or English depending on your choice of courses
・Transcript of Records
・If you intend to complete an internship, project or thesis work under the supervision of RWTH Aachen, please include a signed confirmation from your academic supervisor.

*Please refer to the website above for more detail.
Application period Winter Semester:April 1 to May 31*
Summer Semester:November 1 to December 31*
*For Faculty of Medicine the Application Deadline is May 31 for both semesters.
Where to submit Please first contact to the International Affairs Section(kokusai[at]ad.naist.jp) since we must nominate you as a candidate.