NAIST delegation visited Paul Sabatier University (September 11, 2023)

A NAIST delegation including President Kazuhiro Shiozaki, Prof. Tsuyoshi Kawai (Division of Materials Science), Robert King UEA (Division of Global Education) visited Paul Sabatier University (UT3PS, France) on September 11th, 2023.
At the courtesy visit, President Jean-Marc Broto, Deputy Vice-President for International Relations Fabrice Gamboa, and Prof. Gwénaël Rapenne, a cross-appointed professor at NAIST and UT3PS welcomed us. After a warm welcome talk from President Broto, a rugby ball signed by Antoine Dupont, captain of the French national rugby team which had just played at the Rugby World Cup held in France, was presented to NAIST. Then Vice President Fabrice Gamboa introduced an overview of Paul Sabatier University, and King UEA gave a presentation on exchange achievements of the successful NAIST-UT3PS relationship. In the discussion, they talked about the possibility of sending double degree students from the division of information science, because the double degree agreement was expanded to all divisions at NAIST from April 2023. Prof. Gwénaël Rapenne also shared information on the current activities of past double degree students, indicating that the collaboration to date is steadily bearing fruit.
The delegation then visited the Center of Integrative Biology (CBI), a biological research institute, where Deputy Directer François Cornet explained CBI's organizational structure and the strengths of its research fields. While reviewing the joint projects in which NAIST faculty members are already involved, he expressed expectations for future collaboration utilizing the double degree program in the field of bioscience. Following this, CBI representatives guided the delegation explaining the research environment and its latest advanced equipment.
The group then visited a medical research institute and treatment facility of Canceropole, where Dr. Elizabeth Cohen and Dr. Pierre Cordellier gave a tour of the facility, explaining the latest cancer treatment methods and the testing facilities. After that, President Shiozaki and Prof. Kawai expressed their desire to send students from NAIST, and Dr. Pierre Cordellier agreed indicating that they would like to further deepen their collaboration with NAIST as they expand international projects.
It is expected that this visit will further enhance the strong partnership between Paul Sabatier University and NAIST.