Emergency numbers

For crimes, traffic accidents, etc.・・・・・Call the police dial: 110

When calling the police to report a crime or traffic accident, give your name, address, and the crime/accident location and details. If a police box (koban) is nearby, inform the officer on duty.

For fire or an ambulance ・・・・・Call the fire department dial: 119

When you call 119, report the fire or ask for an ambulance, giving your name, address, and the location of the emergency. In case of fire, sound the fire alarm when possible. If from a dormitory telephone, please call the Disaster Prevention Center (Ext. 5048).

On Campus

In case of an accident/disaster on campus, contact the police and/or fire department as above, and notify one of the following sections.

Educational Affairs Division (Monday-Friday, 8:30 - 17:30) (Ext. 5909)
Disaster Prevention Center (All other times) (Ext. 5048)


While the crime rate in Japan is low compared with many other countries, we still hope that you take the necessary steps to protect you and your things during your stay in Japan. Please remember to lock you apartment when you leave and keep track of your belongings when out. While rare, there are some criminals who target foreigners due to their lack of understanding of Japanese society, language, etc.

Natural disasters

Unfortunately, Japan is known for the occurrence of natural disasters: typhoons, earthquakes and tsunami. While these may occur often in some form, they are mostly not strong enough to cause much damage. However, underestimating the destructive power of natural disasters can lead to dangerous outcomes. For earthquakes, Japan has established Earthquake Early Warning systems to possibly give residents advanced notice of earthquake activity. For other natural disasters, please pay attention to weather reports and services so as to have up-to-date information.

Safety Tips (An app for international visitors in Japan to provide disaster information)

This app is available in five languages: English, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Korean and Japanese. It provides 'push notifications' of Earthquake Early Warnings, Tsunami Warnings, Weather Warnings and Eruption Notices. In addition, there is an evacuation flowchart showing what evacuation actions are required for given conditions, a communication card to obtain information from Japanese people, and useful links that provide information in times of disaster. Please refer to the following link for more details.