※For NAIST faculty and students, please refer to here (on-campus only) for more details

At NAIST we have established the following basic policy concerning academic agreements in order to effectively promote collaborative research and student and faculty exchange with outstanding overseas universities and research institutions.

Basic Policy for International Academic Partnerships

This policy sets forth the following necessary matters for NAIST when concluding academic exchange agreements (hereinafter referred to as "agreements") for various collaborative research and the exchange of students and faculty with distinguished overseas universities, research institutions, etc. This policy is established to ensure the clarification of agreement responsibilities for NAIST and partner institutions, the regular/continuous exchange of information and the sharing of research and education achievements for the purpose of furthering both institutions' research and education pursuits, based on reciprocal and fair principles.

  1. The contents of agreements shall be beneficial for all participating parties in respect to the development of research and education
  2. Upon consideration of existing exchange and activities, and the possibility of future developments, agreements shall be concluded with institutions that are expected to contribute to the promotion of international collaborative research and student exchange.
  3. The Executive Director for International Activities shall be responsible for communication and the clear assignment of responsibility for agreement conclusion, revision and renewal.
  4. In principal, agreements shall be between institutions. However, department-level agreements (agreements between graduate schools) may be concluded when deemed necessary.
  5. The necessary funding for agreement activities shall be secured through participating institutions' individual resources, in addition to the active utilization of programs for international exchange in education and research for funding. (JSPS programs, etc.)
  6. Agreements shall be established with an initial term of 5 years, and agreement renewal may be performed upon consideration of exchange activities, etc.
  7. After agreements are concluded, activities and achievements that occur shall be regularly reviewed and evaluated.

International Academic Partnerships

 NAIST's international network is based upon our international partner institutions and the faculty and staff there that continue to strengthen ties in both research and education. The academic agreements below are achieved through extensive collaboration and their contents cover areas including research collaboration, symposia, guest lectures, faculty and student exchange, and the sharing of scientific information and materials. We have also established Erasmus+ICM program with University of Trento, a MIT-Japan Program agreement with Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

International Partners List
92 institutions from 22 countries/regions (As of March 1, 2025)

Agreement types
I: Institute-wide level,
IS: Information Science (Graduate school-level),
BS: Biological Science (Graduate school-level),
MS: Materials science (Graduate school-level)


Country / region Agreement type Institution Initial
agreement date
agreement expiration date
Korea I Hanbat National University 2011.07.22 2026.07.21
IS College of IT Engineering,
 Kyungpook National University
2018.04.23 2028.04.13
China I Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2008.05.29 2028.05.21
I Tianjin University of Technology 2008.11.12 2028.10.10
MS School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
 Nanjing University
2011.08.02 2026.07.04
I Liaoning University 2011.08.04 2026.08.03
I Northeast Normal University 2020.04.16 2025.04.15
IS School of Information Science and Engineering,
 Yunnan University
2018.04.11 2028.04.10
BS College of Life Sciences,
 Nanjing Agricultual University 
2019.09.25 2029.09.24
BS School of Life Sciences,
 Nanjing University
2019.12.03 2029.12.02
Taiwan I National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University 2010.05.03 2025.05.02
MS Institute of Biophotonics,
 National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
2017.04.21 2027.04.20
I The National Taiwan University of Science and Technology 2016.12.01 2026.11.30
I National Cheng Kung University 2020.04.28 2030.04.27
I  National Taipei Technology of Technology 2025.02.19 2030.02.18
Vietnam BS Institute of Biotechnology,
 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
2009.05.22 2029.05.25
MS Institute of Materials Science,
 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
2011.11.11 2026.11.10
I   University of Science and Technology of Hanoi
2024.06.14 2029.06.13
I Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam National University 2011.05.06 2026.05.04
I University of Engineering and Technology,
 Vietnam National University
2012.06.01 2027.05.31
IS Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications,
  Ho Chi Minh City University Of Science, Vietnam National University
2015.03.30 2030.03.29
I Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City,
 University of Information Technology 
2020.02.06 2030.02.05
IS Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering,
 University of Science and Technology - The University of Danang, Vietnam 
2015.08.20 2025.08.19
I Hue University of Sciences 2015.12.24 2025.12.23
Thailand I Mahidol University 2005.04.01 2030.03.31
I Chulalongkorn University 2009.03.09 2028.02.27
I Kasetsart University  2010.03.08 2030.04.01
I Chiang Mai University 2018.01.08 2028.01.07
I King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi 2018.03.05 2028.03.04
Malaysia I Universiti Sains Malaysia 2009.02.23 2029.05.29
I University of Malaya 2009.03.16 2029.03.15
I Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 2011.09.20 2026.09.19
I Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman 2013.10.08 2028.10.07
I Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 2016.12.31 2026.12.30
The Philippines I Ateneo de Manila University 2008.12.08 2029.2.20
I University of the Philippines Diliman 2013.12.06 2028.12.05
Indonesia I Universitas Gadjah Mada 2005.04.01 2025.03.31
I IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University) 2007.07.18 2027.07.16
I Universitas Indonesia 2009.04.01 2027.04.09
I Univetsitas Hasanuddin 2011.12.06 2026.12.05
I Institut Teknologi Bandung 2012.08.16 2027.08.15
I Universitas Jenderal Soedirman 2012.09.26 2027.09.25
I Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya
(Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya(PENS))
2021.02.18 2026.02.17
I Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 2017.02.20 2027.02.19
I  Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta 2025.02.19 2030.02.18
I KIIT College of Engineering  2015.05.19 2025.05.18
I Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women(IGDTUW) 2022.02.02 2027.02.01
I  SRM Institute of Science and Technology 2024.07.02 2029.07.01
Bangladesh I Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology 2014.11.26 2029.11.25
BS School of Health and Life Sciences,
 North South University
2015.05.07 2025.05.06


Country /
Institution Initial
agreement date
expiration date
Netherlands MS Faculty of Science,
 Leiden University
2009.03.16 2029.04.15
France I Univesité Toulouse 2007.11.13 2027.10.10
I École Polytechnique 2008.07.16 2028.08.05
I École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay 2014.03.03 2024.03.02
IS Telecom SudParis 2014.05.28 2029.05.27
IS École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs en Électrotechnique et Électronique (ESIEE) Paris 2017.04.25 2027.04.24
IS École nationale supérieure d'ingénieurs de Caen(ENSICAEN) 2017.07.04 2027.07.03
I Telecom Paris (Telecom ParisTech)  2017.06.27 2027.06.26
I Sorbonne Université 2017.09.26 2027.09.25
I Université Paris-Saclay 2017.12.20 2027.12.04
I University of Rennes 2018.12.17 2028.12.16
I Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS de Lyon) 2020.01.27 2025.01.26
I Universite de Picardie Jules Verne  2020.06.05 2025.06.04
I Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté (UBFC)  2020.09.23 2025.09.22
Germany MS Faculty of Engineering,
 RheinMain University of Applied Sciences
2008.11.05 2028.05.28
I RWTH Aachen University 2011.11.11 2026.11.10
I Justus Liebig University Giessen 2011.12.15 2027.07.02
I Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2014.06.04 2029.06.23
IS Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science,
 University of Ulm 
2014.11.05 2029.10.24
I University of Regensburg  2015.02.28 2030.02.27
IS Department of Informatics,
 Technical University of Munich
2016.01.26 2026.06.29
IS Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
 Technical University of Munich
2016.04.20 2026.04.19
I Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts 2017.09.25 2027.09.24
IS Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
  Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf 
2020.02.04 2025.02.03
I DFKI(The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence) 2021.05.31 2026.05.30
Italy I University of Cagliari 2012.03.13 2027.03.12
I University of Trento  2017.07.03 2027.07.02
Finland IS Faculty of Medicine, University of Turku 2015.08.20 2025.08.19
Austria MS Institute of Solid State Physics,
 Graz University of Technology
2018.09.26 2028.09.26

North America(7)

Country /
Institution Initial
agreement date
expiration date
Canada BS Faculty of Science, University of British Columbia 2012.05.02 2027.05.02
I  Queen's University at Kingston 2025.01.09 2030.01.08
U.S.A. BS Biotechnology Institute, University of Minnesota 1997.02.19 2027.04.01
I University of California Davis  2003.04.15 [MOU]
[MOSE* with CBS]
MS Macromolecular Science & Engineering program, University of Michigan 2011.11.04 2029.3.29
I University of California, San Diego 2013.04.29 2029.1.2
I Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL),
Joint Genome Institute(JGI)
2022.04.25 2027.04.24

[MOSE*]...Memorandum on Student Exchange

South America(4)

Country /
Institution Initial
agreement date
expiration date
Brasil I  Universidade Federal de São Paulo 2019.07.31 2030.02.04
IS The University of San Paulo Center of Nuclear Energy in Agriculture 2019.10.22 2029.10.21
 The University of San Paulo Higher School of Agriculture "Luiz de Queiroz"
The University of San Paulo Institute of Mathematics and Statistics


Country /
Institution Initial
agreement date
expiration date
Senegal I Cheikh Anta Diop University 2017.09.22 2027.09.21


Country /
Institution Initial
agreement date
expiration date
Australia I The University of Newcastle 2017.12.20 2027.12.19
New Zealand I Unitec Institute of Technology 2012.03.08 2027.03.07