Utmost sensitivity of photoresponsive molecules was achieved in NAIST-MS

Materials Science 2011/01/07

Professor Kawai and Nakashima published a scientific paper entitled "Photon-Quantitative Reaction of a Dithiazolylarylene in Solution"in Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. They achieved to develop a novel photochromic molecule having photochemical quantum efficiency of almost 100%. The photochromic molecule shows reversible change in the chemical structure accompanying with clear coloration, where absorption of one photon results in a reaction of one molecule. They named such reaction as "Photon-Quantitative Reaction". Previously, photochromic molecules have been studied as a promising candidate for active materials of future disk-type memory with ultra-large recording capacity. Previous photochromic molecules have a photochemical quantum efficiency of about 50 to 60%.Present study provides promising chance for developing green-materials for energy-saving disk-type memory.
The study can be accessed by clicking on the following link:


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