Mechanism mediating plasma membrane expansion for axon outgrowth

Biological Science 2012/09/12

Associate Professor Naoyuki Inagaki and doctoral student Hitomi Nakazawa, Laboratory of Neuronal Cell Morphogenesis, Graduate School of Biological Sciences

Associate Professor Naoyuki Inagaki, D3 student Hitomi Nakazawa, and coworkers have found that Rab33a participates in axon outgrowth by mediating plasma membrane expansion.

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viewer.jpgAn axonal growth cone (axonal tip) of a cultured hippocampal neuron.
Rab33a (green) participates in axon outgrowth by mediating anterograde axonal
transport of post-Golgi vesicles and their concomitant fusion at the growth cones. Red, actin filaments; blue, microtubules.

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