
イベント報告 2023/12/26


※ 今回の修了生の内訳は、以下のとおりです。


先端科学技術研究科    1名〈うち留学生 1名〉


先端科学技術研究科    6名〈うち留学生 4名〉

計 7名(うち留学生5名)

【Congratulatory Remarks to Graduating Students】

President's Commencement Address (December, 2023)

It is with immense pleasure that I extend my warmest congratulations to each and every one of you who has received master's or doctoral degrees today. Your everyday effort that has led you to this commencement ceremony is truly an accomplishment of hard work and worthy of praise. I hope you will be proud of yourselves and keep the joy of this day in your hearts. 

I would also like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to your family and friends, as well as your professors, who have been diligently guiding you through your studies. It must be a great joy for all who have supported your studies at NAIST in various ways.

Having completed your study at NAIST, you now know that training in graduate school is very different from what you received as an undergraduate. Graduate education is centered around research training, where you work on your own research project and compile a dissertation. Here, I have a question for you. Has your image of "scientific research" changed by experiencing your thesis research and observing professional researchers such as your professors?

In the stereotypical image of research for the public, scientific insight occurs all of a sudden, for example, when a scientist sees an apple falling from a tree. A moment of eureka is often illustrated as a light bulb being lit in the head of a lone scientist. But now you probably understand that research is a time-consuming process usually carried out by the collaboration of many scientists over the years.

Research is teamwork. You share your initial idea or finding with peers, who often disagree with you, so that you can make adjustments. Your conference presentation and paper publication would lead to even more scrutinization by many researchers, allowing further refinements. Eventually, your idea may become a long-standing theory, or your finding may become "knowledge." Such a scientific process could take hundreds of years and involve numerous researchers, with the heliocentric theory being a famous example.

Why do scientists need to work in teams? Herbert Simon was an American political scientist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1978. In his book titled Administrative Behavior, he coined the famous term "bounded rationality" for the idea that our rationality in making decisions is limited by what we have, such as our cognitive capability and available time. Without a doubt, individual scientists also have only "bounded rationality," rather than "perfect rationality" necessary to reach objective truth instantly. That is because what we think and see is personal, being influenced by our backgrounds, experiences, education, and state of mind. Only researchers' collective wisdom and passion can attain scientific consensus, which is often called "knowledge."

None of our current challenges, such as climate changes, pandemics, and SDGs, can be addressed by a single expertise. They demand the close collaboration of diverse researchers and global citizens, leading to recent attention to "intellectual humility." The concept of intellectual humility is nothing new. Its origin can be referred to the famous saying by the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, "I know that I know nothing." Intellectual humility is the quality of accepting the limitations of one's beliefs and, therefore, recognizing one's "bounded rationality." Embracing our fallibility makes us open to the perspectives of others and ready for collaboration. Only by recognizing that our comprehension might be flawed or limited can we listen to others and wade into the unknown to make discoveries and create innovations.

The graduate degrees you have been awarded today are remarkable achievements you should be proud of. On the other hand, academic arrogance is what we should always be afraid of, and "intellectual humility" is the last item that I would like you to keep in mind on this graduation day. It is a skill or habit essential for leaders who tackle global challenges with integrated efforts of diverse members of society. Indeed, there is an excellent proverb that the Japanese food culture has conceived for us to remember "intellectual humility":
Its literal translation may be, "The more rice stalks bear, the deeper they bow." You may know a beautiful English saying with a similar meaning, "The more noble, the more humble," which is probably easier to remember.

Before closing, I would like to congratulate all of you again and remind you that you are part of the NAIST community even after graduation. The NAIST Alums Association is a global network of over 10,000 alums, and I encourage you to take advantage of it and keep in touch with NAIST. With great pride, we will enjoy learning about your achievements and accomplishments to come.  

Go now and outgrow your limits!



※参考 日本語訳






 なぜ、科学者はそのようにチームワークで取り組む必要があるのでしょうか?1978年にノーベル経済学賞を受賞したアメリカの政治学者であるハーバート・サイモンは、Administrative Behaviorという著書の中で、「限定合理性」という有名な造語を使いました。この言葉は、私たちの意思決定の合理性が、自身の認知能力や利用可能な時間など、私たちが持っているものによって制限されているという概念を表す言葉です。個々の科学者も、客観的な真実に思いつきで到達できる「完全合理性」ではなく、「限定合理性」しか持っていないのは明らかです。なぜなら、私たち研究者が考えたり、見たりすることはあくまで一人の人間としての活動で、自身の経歴、経験、受けた教育、あるいはその時の心の状態に影響されるからです。研究者たちの集合的な知恵と情熱のみが到達できる科学的な合意こそが、しばしば「知識」と呼ばれるものになるのです。

 気候変動、パンデミック、SDGsなど、私たちが現在抱えている課題はいずれも、単一の専門分野だけでは対処できません。それらの課題に対して多様な研究者それに世界中の人々が一緒になって取り組むことが求められている中で、「知的謙虚さ(intellectual humility)」が最近、注目されています。知的謙虚さという概念自体は決して新しいものではありません。その起源を、古代ギリシャの哲学者ソクラテスの有名な「無知の知」にみることもできるでしょう。知的謙虚さは、自らの信じることが必ずしも正しいとは限らない可能性を受け入れて、自身の「限定合理性」を認識する資質です。自分も誤りを免れることはできないということを受け入れれば、他の人の視点を取り入れて一緒に取組むことができるようになるものなのです。自分の理解に欠陥がある、または限界がある可能性を認識してはじめて、他人の意見に耳を傾け、自分が知らなかった領域に足を踏み入れて、発見や発明を生み出すことができるというわけです。


 最後に改めてお祝いを申し上げるとともに、皆さんは卒業後も奈良先端大コミュニティの一員であることを覚えておいていただきたいと思います。奈良先端大の同窓会は 10,000名を超える卒業生から成る世界的なネットワークです。ぜひ積極的に活用していただき、本学とのつながりを持ち続けてください。私たちは、大きな誇りとともに皆さんの今後の成果や業績を伺う機会を楽しみにしています。

Go now and outgrow your limits!



学長 塩﨑 一裕