
Academic Degrees
- 1982:
- Ph.D., Tohoku University
- 1992:
- Ph.D., University of Camerino
Professional Background
- 1982-1983:
- Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- 1983-1984:
- Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Medicine, University of Colorado
- 1984-1986:
- Research Associate, Department of Biology, Indiana University
- 1986-1987:
- Technical Staff, Legal Medicine, Osaka Medical College
- 1987-1988:
- Research Associate, Legal Medicine, Osaka Medical College
- 1988-1992:
- Visiting Researcher, Department of Molecular, Cellular and Animal Biology, University of Camerino
- 1992-1994:
- Researcher, Department of Molecular, Cellular and Animal Biology, University of Camerino
- 1994-2003:
- Associate Professor, Faculty of Science, Nara Women's University
- 2003-2005:
- Associate Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Nara Women's University
- 2005-2012:
- Professor, Faculty of Science, Nara Women's University
- 2012-2019:
- Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Nara Women's University
- 2019-2020:
- Vice President, Nara Women's University
Director, Organization for the Promotion of Gender Equality, Nara Women's University (Concurrent Post) - 2020:
- Professor Emeritus, Center for Diversity and Inclusion, Nara Women's University
- 2020-present:
- Auditor, NAIST
Research Fields
Protistology, Cell Biology, Genetics
- 2002: The Award of the Japan Society of Protistology in the Field of Protistological Research, the Japan Society of Protistology
- 2002: Research Grant, the Yamada Science Foundation
Asingle amino acid residue regulates the substrate affinity and specificity of indoleamine
2,3-dioxygenase. Yuasa H J, Sugiura M, Harumoto T, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 640:1-9 (2018) -
Novel specificity of IDO enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of mating pheromone in the
ciliate Blepharisma stoltei, Sugiura M, Yuasa H. J, Harumoto T, Protist 168(6):686-696 (2017) -
Developmentally and environmentally regulated expression of Gamone 1: the trigger
molecule for sexual reproduction in Blepharisma japonicum. Sugiura M, Kawahara S,
Iio H,Harumoto T, J. Cell Sci. 118(12):2735-2741 (2005) -
Identification, characterization, and complete amino acid sequence of the conjugation-
inducing glycoprotein (blepharmone) in the ciliate Blepharisma japonicum., Sugiura M,
Harumoto T, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98(25):14446-14451 (2001) -
Asymmetrical cell division in Blepharisma japonicum: Difference between daughter cells
in mating-type expression. Miyake A, Harumoto T, Exp. Cell Res. 190(1):65-68 (1990) - Hinf I RFLP downstream to the human HRAS1 Gene. Harumoto T, Matsui K, Itoh S,
Suzuki K, Matsuo Y, Fujita K, Miyazaki K, Matsumoto H, Nucleic Acids Res. 16(5):2366 (1988) - Induced change in a non-Mendelian determinant by transplantation of macronucleoplasm
in Paramecium tetraurelia. Harumoto T, Mol. Cell. Biol. 6(10):3498-3501(1986) - Transplantation of synkaryon in Paramecium caudatum: Analysis of its competence as
germ nucleus. Harumoto T, Hiwatashi K, Exp. Cell Res. 137(2):476-481 (1982)