University News
- 2018/10/30
- One-day Excursion to Kyoto for International Students (October 21, 2018)
- 2018/10/17
- The 15th NAIST Tea Time (October 10, 2018)
- 2018/10/10
- Server Maintenance Announcement
- 2018/10/03
- 2018 NAIST Fall Entrance Ceremony (October 2, 2018)
- 2018/09/28
- 2018 NAIST Fall Graduation Ceremony (September 25, 2018)
- 2018/09/25
- Training Session held for the NAIST International Student Ambassador Program (Sept. 19th, 21st, 2018)
- 2018/08/10
- NAIST Summer Vacation Announcement (August 13-15, 2018)
- 2018/07/09
- CNRS (France) delegation visit
- 2018/06/26
- 2018 NAIST Summer Graduation Ceremony (June 25, 2018)
- 2018/06/18
- Cultural Activities for Students: Horyuji Temple, Saidaiji Temple and Heijo Palace Site Bus Tour (Jun 10, 2018)
- 2018/06/18
- Handling of classes when public transport services are suspended, when a weather warning is issued.
- 2018/06/18
- Handling of classes when public transport services are suspended, when a weather warning is issued.
- 2018/05/17
- One-day Excursion to Hikone for International Students (May 13, 2018)
- 2018/05/10
- NAIST Booth at the Bogor Agricultural University Career and Scholarship Expo 2018 in Bogor, Indonesia (April 28 - 29, 2018)
- 2018/04/26
- Application for Letter of Acceptance for those who have passed the 2019 Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Primary Screening
- 2018/04/09
- 2018 NAIST Spring Entrance Ceremony (April 5, 2018)
- 2018/04/02
- Establishment of the new "Graduate School of Science and Technology" in April 2018
- 2018/03/23
- 2018 NAIST Spring Graduation Ceremony (March 23, 2018)
- 2018/03/07
- Overseas SD training program briefing session (March 1, 2018)
- 2018/03/01
- Announcing NAIST Student Reporters for our Social Media Accounts