Research Achievements
- 2016/07/05
Biological Science
- High-affinity monoclonal IgA regulates gut microbiota and prevents colitis in mice (July 5, 2016)
- 2016/06/24
Biological Science
- Discovery of a key regulator of plant germ cell formation (June 24, 2016)
- 2016/04/26
Biological Science
- Discovery of the gene controlling toxic constituents in 'green tomatoes' (April 26, 2016)
- 2016/03/31
Materials Science
- Salts improve the thermopower of carbon materials (March 31, 2016)
- 2015/12/21
Materials Science
- Development of Stable Switching Device for Transparent Flexible Display (December 21, 2015)
- 2015/11/19
Biological Science
- Danger peptide receptor signaling in plants ensures basal immunity upon pathogen-induced depletion of BAK1 (November 19, 2015)
- 2015/11/13
Biological Science
- Crystal Structures of SecYEG in Lipidic Cubic Phase Elucidate a Precise Resting and a Peptide-Bound State (November 13, 2015)
- 2015/09/02
Biological Science
- Plants find their own pollen via the neural-transmission-like signaling transduction system (September 2, 2015)
- 2015/08/11
Biological Science
- The mechanism of the force generation for axon outgrowth (August 11, 2015)
- 2015/07/17
Biological Science
- Novel protein transport mechanism for axon outgrowth (July 17, 2015)
- 2015/03/13
Information Science
- NAIST unveils automated system providing training for people with communication difficulties ~ Guidance provided through conversation with a computer-based avatar ~ (March 13, 2015)
- 2015/01/09
Biological Science
- Entire suite of recognition molecules to select unrelated mates have been identified in Petunia--Molecular and evolutionary analysis of plant non-self recognition system
- 2015/01/08
Materials Science
- Mass-less spinning UV-vis photon swaps hand of polymers
- 2014/11/25
Materials Science
- Organic solar cells--Efficiency enhancement by a multi-layer configuration
- 2014/10/16
Materials Science
- Elucidation of the On/Off Switch for the Catalytic Reaction of Hydrogen-Decomposition and Synthesis Enzyme "Hydrogenase"
- 2014/08/12
Biological Science
- Structure of the human Cereblon-DDB1-lenalidomide complex reveals basis for responsiveness to thalidomide analogs
- 2014/05/15
Information Science
- Developent and evaluation of OpenFlow/SDN based network system applicable for such a large scale disaster. -for an experimentation on the latest NEXCO-WEST traffic control system-
- 2014/04/17
Biological Science
- Clarifying the Mechanism of Protein Insertion into the Cytoplasmic Membrane
- 2014/03/24
Biological Science
- Aacquisition of a programmed cell death system was the key to plants coming ashore!
- 2013/11/26
Materials Science
- A Flexible Thermopower Sheet ~Bipolar CNT Thermoelectrics for Wearable Power Source~