Grading method

Grades will be evaluated according to the subject matter as follows.
A grade of "Fail (D)" or "Fail (F)"will not be granted.

Five-step evaluation
Definition and Letter Grade Evaluation Criteria Criteria out of 100 points
Excellent (S) Achieved learning outcomes with exceptionally high grade. 90 points or more
Very good (A) Achieved learning outcomes with high grade. 80 points or more
Good (B) Achieved learning outcomes with good grade. 70 points or more
Fair (C) Achieved learning outcomes. 60 Points or more
Fail (D) Did not achieve learning outcomes. less than 60 points
Two-step evaluation
Definition and Letter Grade Evaluation Criteria Criteria out of 100 points
Pass (P) Reached the academic level for this course. Not Applicable
Fail (F) Did not reach the academic level for this course. Not Applicable
Courses under the credit transfer system
Definition and Letter Grade Evaluation Criteria Criteria out of 100 points
Accredited (N) Considered as completed as studied in an academic course at this university. Not Applicable

The GPA [Grade Point Average] system

 In order to promote the internationalization of future education and increase the transparency of the grading system, we have introduced a GPA system beginning with the students who entered in the 2018 school year. The GPA system will indicate a student's relative standing both within and beyond the University. By calculating a GPA, it can become an index for current learning and achievement; we expect this to help students grasp their academic achievement more objectively and utilize it to create their learning plans.

System Overview

 The GPA system is a common method used in European and American universities to evaluate academic grades. Students receive grade evaluations after course completion and it is converted into Grade Points (GP) with the student's overall average computed as a single value.

Calculation Method

 There are five levels of Grade Points (S, A, B, C, D) as shown below.

GP Definition and Letter Grade Evaluation Criteria Criteria out of 100 points
4 Excellent (S) Achieved learning outcomes with exceptionally high grade. 90 points or more
3 Very good (A) Achieved learning outcomes with high grade. 80 points or more
2 Good (B) Achieved learning outcomes with good grade. 70 points or more
1 Fair (C) Achieved learning outcomes. 60 points or more
0 Fail (D) Did not achieve learning outcomes. less than 60 points

(For Reference)

GP Definition and Letter Grade Evaluation Criteria Criteria out of 100 points
Not Applicable Accredited (N) Considered as completed as studied in an academic course at this university. Not Applicable
Not Applicable Pass (P) Reached the academic level for this course. Not Applicable
Not Applicable Fail (F) Did not reach the academic level for this course. Not Applicable
Targeted Students

 The students who begin the Master's Course in the 2018 school year and all subsequent years.
 *The GPA system is not used for the doctoral courses.

Targeted Subjects

 All subjects that count towards completion of the Master's Course in the subject categories shown below. However, if a subject cannot be evaluated by the five-level grading scheme due to the nature of the subject, it will be excluded from the GPA calculation.
 ◇ General Subjects
 ◇ Basic Subjects
 ◇ Specialized Subjects

Types of GPAs and Calculation Method
     There is a GPA for the academic year (annual GPA) and a GPA for the entire program (cumulative GPA).
     Here are the calculation methods for annual and cumulative GPAs. (Round off to two decimal digits in calculating a GPA.)
  • Calculation of an Annual GPA
    Annual GPA = The sum for all subjects of (the number of credits for a registered subject for the year × GP of the subject)/The total number of credits for the year's subjects.
  • Calculation of Cumulative GPA
    Cumulative GPA = The sum for all subjects of (the number of credits for a registered subject for the program × GP of the subject)/The total number of credits for the program.
  • How to Treat Retake Subjects

     If a student retakes a subject which he/she has failed, and receives a passing grade or another failed grade as a result, the earlier result and credits are excluded from GPA. (The data before the retake will be excluded.)

    Treatment on Academic Record

     Both the annual GPA and the cumulative GPA will appear on the academic record.

    Notification of completed grade evaluation

     Grades will be reported within three weeks after the completion of the course by the lecturer in charge and will be posted on "UNIVERSAL PASSPORT" (Educational Affairs Portal Systems).
     Students can confirm the subject registration status and academic performance by means of academic records which can be obtained from the automatic certificate issuing machine in the entrance lobby of the NAIST Library.

    For any inquiries please contact
    Academic Affairs Section, Educational Affairs Division
    E-mail: g-gakumu[at]