List of Procedures for study / travel abroad

Official study abroad

When applying for official study abroad, students must submit the following documents to the Academic Affairs Section at least 2 months before departure.


In principle, if the planned study abroad term is more than 3 months, students must also submit one of the following documents:


Travel abroad requiring Travel Requests

For traveling abroad with a Travel Request, students must submit an Overseas Travel Notification form (word: 32KB) (PDF: 111KB) to their graduate school office.

(Note) When a student travels abroad as a fellow of the Research Fellowships for Young Scientists, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, he/she should submit the same form.

Please note

  • If you will leave your residence for a period of time for private travel, please give your emergency contact information to your family, relatives, friends, research lab, etc.
  • If you will travel overseas privately for three months or more, you must submit the Leave of Absence Request and Overseas Travel Notification forms to the Educational Affairs office at least two weeks before departure.
  • Before you leave your room for more than three months, you should notify the Student Support Section.

If you have any questions or concerns about the above, please contact us below.

Study Abroad Request Academic Affairs Section
Educational Affairs Division
Overseas Travel Notification Educational Planning Section
Educational Affairs Division
Leave of Absence Request Academic Affairs Section
Educational Affairs Division
Student Dormitory Student Support Section
Educational Affairs Division